1. Set specific goals- Return to them regularly to remind yourself of what you set out to achieve and the need to persevere.
2. Chart your progress- Keeping a record of your progress motivates you in those times when you feel discouraged.
3. Buy a gym membership or a course of classes-Buy in advance and your dislike of wasting money will spur you to attend.
4. Find a workout partner- It’s much harder to let someone else down than it is to make excuses to yourself. If you have a training partner, you’re less likely to skip training sessions. It also turns training into a social occasion.
5. Sign up and train for a charity event- It’s awful breaking a commitment you have made to many people, especially if you have also pledged to raise money for charity. You not only let yourself down but also the charity and everyone who sponsored you.
6. Reward yourself- When you reach a goal, celebrate! Book a massage or facial, have a haircut or go out for dinner.
7. Keep a journal- Your diary is your key resource for effective self-monitoring. Keeping a success journal is an additional way to celebrate small victories.
8. Go social- Youtube, Pinterest and Tumblr are inspiration central. Listen to a talk from someone you admire, find a fun workout, create spectacular boards, find healthy recipes or read about someone else’s weight loss journey to bolster your own determination.
9. Be inspired with visual cues- Visual reminders are powerful motivators.
10. Limit, don’t eliminate- If you cut out all ‘bad’ foods, you’re bound for a fall. But if you allow yourself the occasional treat, you’ll enjoy it without going overboard. Planning the occasional dinner with friends is more likely to result in long-term success than succumbing to an unplanned fast food fiasco through boredom and frustration. Plan to cheat occasionally — and look forward to it.