Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Must Have Gut Healling Herbs

Aloe Vera - (Aloe barbadensis)
The phytochemical (plant chemicals) content of this herb is very beneficial for indigestion, leaky gut syndrome and ulcerative colitis. Because of its anti-inflammatory property, aloe is also a very effective remedy for Crohn’s disease. You can take Aloe Vera internally via juice or powder.  If you have ever cracked open an aloe leaf and spread that lovely gooey stuff on your skin, you will know what I mean by saying this plant is ‘mucilaginous’.  Anything described a mucilaginous is going to have a sticky gooey property that sticks to and heals your gut wall.

Slippery Elm- (Ulmus fulva)
Taken from inside the bark of The Elm tree, this wonderful powder has been used for centuries for calming down gut symptoms and using it on an ongoing basis can help heal the gut mucosa.

It has a soothing and healing action on all parts of the body it comes in contact with so it can even be made into a poultice and applied topically (same as the Aloe gel).  It helps with diarrhoea, constipation, heartburn, and all inflammation of the gut lining.

It can be taken in capsule form but you need to take a few for it to be effective so my preferred form is taking the straight powder 1 tablespoon in a glass of warm water morning and night to soothe an upset stomach. It is very safe for babies and children so mixing up a bit of the powder into a rice cereal or yoghurt is an excellent idea for those with sensitive tummies or intolerances.

Ginger- (Zingiber officinale)
Ginger in the fresh root form and dried powder form will help heal the gut. It can be added it to your stir-fries, grated into salad dressings, whack a nob into fresh juices, or drink as tea! Of course it’s also available as a capsule and when wanting to help with nausea.
Ginger has a demulcent action on the gut lining and is also known as a carminative  It’s anti-inflammatory so that helps with inflammatory gut issues as well.  Fabulous for gut cramps, flatulence and colicy type pains and interestingly another use for this herb is for warding off of harmful parasites and their eggs.

Turmeric-(Curcuma longa)
The main phytochemical or plant compound of this herb that has shown these amazing health benefits is curcumin which is a powerful anti-inflammatory.
This anti-inflammatory action is directly seen on the mucous membrane lining so any inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis, Irritable bowel or Chron’s disease, will benefit greatly from the regular consumption of this herb.
Curcumin has also been used to assist with weight control and digestion as it stimulates the gallbladder and produces bile. Because bile helps digest fat, experts believe this improves digestion and may help control weight. At least one study found it treats indigestion, reducing symptoms of bloating and gas.

Fennel- (Foeniculum vulgare)
Fennel mostly used just for culinary purposes, it is also a preventative against gas and indigestion. You will also find this herb in throat lozenges and cough syrups for it’s demulcent and carminative properties.
The smooth muscles that line the digestive tract are relaxed when they come in contact with this herb. Babies and children show improvements from the symptoms of colic when given fennel tea.  Use it in your curries, as a tea and again this is available in capsule form as well.

Marshmallow- (Althea officinalis)
This herb is another one of our mucilaginous herbs. Marshmallow root has the ability to reduce irritation and inflammation of mucous membranes, it is an excellent remedy to strengthen the digestive system. Teas made from this herb have powerful polysaccharides, which can help in the formation of the protective lining around the stomach.
This herb is especially beneficial for those suffering from Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative Colitis. Marshmallow can also help to reduce acid levels in the stomach, so people with peptic ulcers may find relief when using this herb.